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Due to popular demand, we are hosting this workshop one more time this month at the Source Zero! Space is limited to 13 attendees, so please RSVP with a workshop ticket here!

Looking for the perfect gift for a friend or family member? Come join us at The Source Zero for an evening of making all-natural, DIY body scrubs! Bring a 4 ounce jar for body scrub, but you are also welcome to bring additional jars if you’d like to make more! Each additional jar of scrub will be $5 in cash. We will also have perfect gifting jars available for purchase at the shop if you don’t have a 4 oz jar at home.

Christine Liu, author of Sustainable Home, will also be sharing some insights on zero waste living for the first half of the workshop if you are new to the lifestyle. Come with questions and be ready to learn about how you can reduce your waste on the planet!